As he attempts to fill the shoes of his ailing father, Allan must repair the reserve’s reputation following a toxic spill from a century-old mine, and show the world that Silver Ridge Peaks is stepping forward into the future. The consequences of such single-minded profiteering have finally arrived, landing at the feet of the reserve’s latest warden: Allan Bradley. Much of the landscape was blasted into its current shape, with only one consideration: the pursuit of money. Miners risked their lives to travel great distances during Colorado’s silver boom. The history of Silver Ridge Peaks is as rich in legends of human endeavour and adventure as it is in studies of brutal expansion and mankind’s greed. Silver Ridge Peaks spans an impressive 25 square miles (64 square kilometers), and it is up to you to decide if you wish to explore the landscape at your own discretion, or pursue the story with 15 new narrative missions.

Missions and Measures Main article: Silver Ridge Peaks Missions In the middle of campaign classic Alexander Longbow is given. As you roam the deep canyon or gaze upon the high altitude lakes, you can’t help but get lost in its beauty. From the mine and ghost town’s reminders of the past, to the cloud-piercing Red Mountains, the reserve is packed with marvels. Boasting a dramatic landscape that can easily take your breath away, the reserve takes great pride in its more elusive spots that can make visitors feel like they’re stepping back in time.